Mama's Wish List

Nathan's wish list:
Helicopter flying lessons
orgreenic cooking skillets
tickets to Magic Flute in April 2013 at TPAC hall here in Nashville. 
bath sheets (huge towels)
rechargeable batteries AAA and AA
he wants to always have a working remote control helicopter. He has one now, but if it ever breaks, he'll want another.
Nathan's amazon wishlist

Here's Carla's Christmas wish list:

Magic Mesh screen door thingy

A teapot shaped timer (Walgreens)

cup towels that are not white under the picture

a cup-cake carrier

at least one new bathroom book (I have ours memorized)

a locking pencil box (with key) (to secure my bedside objects from little fingers)

a low tone wind chime

Big Bang Theory on DVDs

Dick Francis and Sue Grafton novels on my amazon wishlist

The book World Without End by Ken Follett

a new do-it-herself-kit