Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We Are Blessed

While we were out of town for 10 days, we had the post office hold our mail. Today it was delivered. All of it. And 2/3 of these cards were delivered today. This is how many people sent us merry wishes this year. And loads of pictures among them! Besides family and friends seen recently or 15 years ago, there are a few names to be dropped. Like Haslam, Ramsey, and Jeb Bush. I'm SURE they signed those suckers themselves, of course. I especially appreciate the folks who put their kid's FULL names, and the current year. For those of you who didn't, I filled out that info on the backs of the pictures.

Our Christmas was wonderful. We had tons of food, the boys cleaned up in the gift department, and we were given enough clothes and stuff to warrant an apple box shipped back separately. And most importantly, we got to spend tons of time with family. My boys are completely spoiled rotten and I'll have to un-rottify them in the days to come. Well worth it.

Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful blessing of my family. Thank you for healthy, brilliant, beautiful boys. And please, Lord, don't bless us with a third.

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