Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh what a beautiful moooooorning!

I'm just having a FABULOUS day! Yesterday I noticed some congestion and drainage and this morning I woke up with a sore throat, congestion and feeling icky all over. And our baby Quint wanted to eat three times during the night last night. But it's crunch time at work. Literally, the only 10 days of the year that I'm incredibly busy and I should not miss work. But I feel like crap. And I go to work anyway. Midmorning, I go to Walgreens to get some of the good OTC cold drugs and some OJ. By noon, I'm so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open. And we're waiting for one more piece of info before I can start my 300 year end reports. Waiting, and waiting, and wanting to nap. Finally, I ask my boss if I can take a long lunch, go home and nap. So I race home, wondering about the safety of me on the road being this sleepy. I take off my nice clothes, set a timer, and crawl in to bed. Ahhhhhh.....

10 minutes later the phone rings. Our baby boy is sick and needs to be picked up from daycare. Great! I make three phone calls, get dressed in spit-up worthy clothes, pick up some fast food (have I eaten anything today?), and go get Quint. Since the mayday phone call, he seems to have been the very model of a healthy baby, aside from the extra rosy cheeks. I take him back home, nurse him while I eat lunch, and await hubby arriving home to take over. Quint eats well, doesn't fuss, and is happy to lay on the floor smiling and cooing. He is a little less energetic than usual, though. So hubby gets home, changes into spit-up worthy clothes and is ready to take over. About the time I stand up to change back into my work clothes, my timer goes off - time to wake up from my nap and go back to work! Mumph....

I get back to work and promptly lock my keys in the car. With my cell phone, wallet, and breast pump. Great! The one piece of information we're waiting on to start all our reports is due at 3pm. A friend reminds me that I have AAA and they can unlock cars! Great! When can the AAA guy get here? Oh about 3pm....

I really expected Murphy's Law to screw that one up and have the dude call with our info while I was messing with the AAA guy, but that didn't happen! The AAA guy got my car open pretty easy, did not chip the paint, I could then produce my AAA card which was (thankfully) still valid. 10 minutes later, dude calls with our final piece of information and we can finally move a half step toward our reports.

I'm optimistic enough to think that the success and ease of the AAA guy getting in to my car will be the watershed moment of the day and everything else will start to get better.


...(big cheesy grin)....

1 comment:

  1. BIG HUGS TO YOU MY SWEET CLONE!! I hope your day gets better!!
