Things are going well here! I feel great, Quint's nose finally stopped running, little Hank is still a relatively easy baby, and Hubby's work schedule has seriously improved.
The cicadas are still deafening outside our house and the little bodies are piling up in our driveway. There are enough of them in the front yard that it stinks a bit. They should all die sometime before the end of June
We've been on either two or three walks as a whole family. I was so dreading the 6 weeks of recovery from birth - that's how long it took for me to enjoy a walk with Quint. But at just under 2 weeks, this time, I'm enjoying our standard 2 mile walks. So far, Papa has been doing the hard pushing up the hills, but I'll get stronger. Having not exercised at all for about 4 or 5 months, I thought I wouldn't be able to do a 2 mile walk right off the bat. I lack some strength for pushing that heavy double stroller uphill, and I have to stop to catch my breath, but I'm easily able to do the walk.
Hubby took Quint to work with him yesterday and I got to have several hours with just me and little Hank. Wow is one baby easy! I got a lot of things done despite my 2 hour conversation with my sister (actually possible without a toddler present) and the two pieces of cake I ate as soon as Quint and Papa left.
Due to Hank's perpetual dirty diaper, he has a bit of diaper rash which I think might have been what kept us all up last night. It hurts when that rash gets wet! It also could have been that he didn't want to be alone. I've been trying to return to my own bed and (shocker!) actually sharing a bed with my husband. For these first two weeks, I've slept in the same room as Hank to make night feedings easier on me. The last several nights, I've started out in our bed, and for one reason or another, I return to the bed in Hank's room.
Quint continues to be a voracious reader! Not that he can read, of course, but he really loves books. I need to figure out a coordinated way to nurse one baby while reading a book to Quint. He can identify lots of animals (where's the giraffe) and can name a few. The same with shapes and colors. He has recently put together that the sound of an airplane goes with the visual of an airplane, and also that his Fisher Price Little People plane is an airplane. So for the first time yesterday, he pretended to fly the Little People plane around the room instead of just rolling it on the floor. For a while there, any vehicle with wheels was a choo-choo, but now he's starting to understand that this is a bus, that is a truck, etc.
Oh, and there he is awake, so my blog time is up!
(time passes)
OK, both boys are down for a nap and oddly, I don't need one.
Hank and I went to the doctor today to get his weight checked. He was
7 lbs. 11oz at birth,
7 lbs. 2 oz when he went home
7 lbs. 4 oz on day 4 and (drum roll please...)
8 lbs. 3 oz on day 16! No wonder those Newborn onesies seemed kind of small! So despite everyone around him being sick, he has gained quite well!
I love hearing all this happy news! You look so young with your shorter hair.