Friday, April 15, 2011

33 weeks pregnant

Here's a belly shot! Quint still loves to poke the belly button and laughs every time he just sees it! I wore my "birthday cake" shirt to Target today and got a compliment from a complete stranger - THANKS MOM!

Since starting the Ambien, I finally feel good! It's amazing what good rest will do for you. I've stopped throwing up so often, my feet only swell when I've had too much salt (like pizza). Little Rastus has started hurting me daily with his kicks and occasionally will leave a sore spot that hurts even when he's not currently kicking. Several other people have been able to visually see him moving and said articulate things like, "whoa".

Quint had his 18 month checkup today (even though he's 19 months old) and he ranks at the top of the scale for communication and gross motor skill and whatnot. So we have confirmation that he's BRILLIANT! Which of course I knew, but still..... He's at or near the 50th percentile for height, weight and length. His head is a little larger than usual, but I knew that too. Here's a cute one of Quint.

My nesting has taken the form of stocking up now. So far, it's just purchasable items like chicken nuggets, fish sticks, disposable tupperware, baby wipes, diapers of both sizes, and paper bowls. Aldi doesn't sell the wipes, paper bowls, or tupperware, so I made a huge haul at Target today, using up two gift cards I recently found in my wallet.

OK, it's 9:15, so it's bedtime.

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