Tuesday, February 23, 2010


OK, see, this is why I NEVER should bring the whole bag of cheetos to work with me. I cannot control myself. Yesterday I brought the whole bag in, thinking I'd make out my little portion bags with baggies I had here at the office. Do you really think that happened?! Of course not. So here I am, 4:30 in the afternoon, on TUESDAY, and I've eaten the whole stinkin bag already. Usually, if I'm good, that thing can last me a week. But no. I've got cheese powder...everywhere....

I WILL eat something nutritious for supper....


1 comment:

  1. So, I just got caught up on your blog. Wow. A lot has happened. First, I'm so sorry about Reggie. I'm so happy he is with the Lord, though. There's no better place to be.

    Second, give yourself a break on the journal. You've already done more than most people would do. Just fill in some of the gaps and start again. The most important thing is to start again.

    Third, so awesome to read about your successful outings with Quint and your "date" night with Hubby. George and I also struggle with the "what do we have in common" question. I wonder if that's just a common marriage question.

    Fourth, I love all the pictures of the cutest little baby ever! I wish I could babysit him. See if you husband could arrange for the removal of Louisiana and part of Arkansas and East Texas. I think Nashville and Austin would only be about 3 hours away then. Please see what he can do about that.
