Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin patch - 13 months old!

Quint is 13 months old! So here's his photo shoot.
My church has this annual pumpkin patch in the front yard. It's a busy road and they bring in huge 18-wheelers of pumpkins that they sell as a fund raiser for the youth group. Each year, the photo opportunities seem a little nicer than the last. Or perhaps I've just noticed that because I now have a child to photograph there. This top one is the best of them. They had this scene all set up. All I had to do was plunk my son in the middle and hand him a warty pumpkin to distract him. This was also the best looking straw I had ever seen! It was practically white it was so clean and fresh.

Below is Quint at one month old, last year. It's hard to get good shots with a baby who can't hold up his head or smile yet. Pretend he's mid-operatic monologue.And now back to smiley pictures!

Find the baby!
We're all a bit disturbed by a pumpkin as big as my son.

The end!

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